Monday, May 16, 2011

BzzAgent Review: Covergirl NatureLuxe Makeup

NatureLuxe Silk Foundation

I was very impressed with this foundation. As someone who can't go a day without seeing red, blotchy patches on my face, it's a continual struggle to find a foundation that not only covers the redness but also doesn't make me break out. I've had the best luck with mineral-based foundations in the past so I wasn't expecting much from Covergirl's latest brand. But Natureluxe actually provides a good amount of coverage, matching my skin tone really well and staying on for hours.

The brand's claim that it is the lightest makeup you will use is absolutely true. Even my tried and true mineral foundation starts feeling like it's cracking around 4:30 pm, but the Natureluxe is absolutely light and airy and fresh all day long. My only complaint is that it definitely starts to wear off a lot sooner than would be useful, but I use it when I'm just going to be around the house or running a few errands rather than going to work where I rely on my "real" makeup.

A good product from a good brand; I even like the way it smells! All around goodness. I enjoyed it immensely and suggest it for people who don't like it when they can feel their makeup on their face. I can almost verify that you won't feel this one.

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