In the scrum of my heart, I will always hold a special place for the game who's rules I learned at my mother's knee (American's a complicated story). But learning about Rugby slowly over the course of the BBC's coverage of the 6 Nations tournament this year has really opened my eyes to the awesomeness of the game.
Before BBC America's coverage this year, my only exposure to rugby was listening to my cousin back out of our WoW raids because he had to go to his roommate's rugby games. And there was the one time we stumbled on a game in progress in Stanley Park in Vancouver...but that ended... interestingly...
Anyways, BBC America did us all a favor this year and played some of the games for us Yanks. What a treat.
The captains for this year's 6 Nations Tournament |
This is what a football game looks like. People standing on the field. |
Even when there are injured players on the field, the game doesn't stop, they just play around them. |
Cleat. To. The. Face. |
The reined in feeling of American football is a detriment to the sport. These are powerful men who should be able to bludgeon each other. The game is essentially an evolution of the gladiatorial sports where people used to kill each other in front of crowds. It's stylized war on the field. But it's a war with its teeth removed, hampered by the addition of so many rules, so many penalties, and so many pads.
So many. |
If this seems to be a disservice to our football players, it's because it is. If our players ran at each other during a kick-off instead of away from each other, I think we'd be closer to the game's potential. But right now watching a game of professional football is just watching grown men who are being paid a lot of money run around encased in plastic. Sometimes they get to touch the ball. Most often they stand there and watch as the ball is set up for another down. And another. And another. The monotony is tiring and ultimately boring.
At least in rugby everyone jumps on the man with the ball and when the ball moves to the next guy, it starts over, a slow painful crush of men making its way down the field. But at least it's a crush of men in constant motion. And their little shorts are a lot cuter than those football cropped leggings of awful.
See? Shorts. |
I learned more from the few post-show reviews tailored to us American viewers than from watching each of the games in its entirety.
Ultimately, I won't turn down watching a game of football. It's a part of my heritage and I do like that I at least know what's going on. But after the season is done, I will definitely turn over to the rugby league and watch as men pummel each other down the field.
Plus, the eye candy is so much better when they're not wearing helmets. :)